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Environmental friendly mobile case made of swedish waste wood


We offer mobile cases processed from 100% Swedish hardwood - a completely fossil-free raw material. Swedish nature and its possibilities are our inspiration. Each case is unique and you choose between different types of wood, pattern and colors.

The basis for our business idea is to create a useful product made from a renewable and locally produced material. Most of our timber comes from Sweden's many park and green areas. Unfortunately, many elms has to be taken down when they have been attacked by elm disease. Trees can also be cut down due to age, as they can fall and cause damage. These felled trees are rarely used and we are proud to be able to use some of this waste wood.

We also buy wood from Plockhugget. An organization that carefuly fell trees to create clearings instead of clear-cutting. In this way, many more plant species, tree species, insects, fungi and animals are preserved.


We work with these four types of wood at Bark Sweden. All are Swedish deciduous trees but have their own strong character. 

Smartphone cases made of ash wood
Smartphone cases made of ash wood


Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is a large hardwood tree in the lilac family. The tree is famous since its leaves are sprouting last of all Swedish hardwood trees in the spring. This ash has grown in the village of Skede in the Småland Highlands. The old tree grew in a garden and had to be taken down as there was a risk that it would break and damage a building. The heartwood on old ashes is sometimes called olive ash as it has similarities with olive wood. Ash is hard and tough and was often used in the past for ax handles.

Smartphone cases made of elm wood
Smartphone cases made of elm wood


This elm has grown in the tree alley
on the famous street Strandvägen in
central Stockholm. This particular tree
grew in the end of the eastern part of the
street bordering to Diplomatstaden. When
the tree was affected by elm disease it had to
be taken down. Elm has a wide dark core
which gives the wood beautiful character.

Smartphone cases made of birch wood
Smartphone cases made of birch wood


This birch, about 150 years old, has grown in

Ulla Kleberg’s garden in Stjärnsund in Dalarna.

The tree has been loved and adorned the yard.

As there was a great risk that the 30 meter high
tree would break, Plockhugget helped her to take

down the tree. There is now a stump left to

promote biological diversity.

Smartphone cases made of cherry wood
Smartphone cases made of cherry wood


The characteristic and beautiful grain of the

cherry (Prunus) makes the wood sometimes called ”Swedish teak”. The wood for your case comes from a small forest area in Åkeslund in the district of Bromma in Stockholm. The tree was felled when thinning around an old oak that needed more space to grow.  The beautiful cherry wood that was saved now remains as a memory and adorn your phone.

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